Our History
European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) was established in 2002 following the liberalisation of the EU railway market to promote the interests of all rail infrastructure managers in the EU and the EEA.
Based in Brussels, EIM is registered as an international, non-profit association under Belgian law. It is one of 11 European railway organisations recognised by the European Commission as a 'representative body from the railway sector'. As such, EIM supports the work of the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) in various working groups and occupies a seat on its Administrative Board.
The role of EIM is to provide a single voice to represent its members (infrastructure managers (IMs) vis-à-vis to the relevant European institutions and sector stakeholders. EIM also assists members to develop their businesses through the sharing of experiences and contributing to the technical and safety activities of the Agency (ERA).

- EIM promotes the development, improvement and efficient delivery of rail infrastructure in the EU
- EIM and its members are committed to make liberalisation a success in the countries where it has been implemented
- EIM represents its members' political, technical and business interests to all relevant EU institutions
- EIM supports the business development by providing a forum for cooperation
- EIM provides an environment for the leaders of IMs for sharing best practices and efficiency tools
EIM supports an open and seamless European rail network, promoting a safe and sustainable transport system.