Maria Luisa Dominguez Gonzalez
María Luisa Domínguez has been Chairwoman of ADIF since 2021.
Before becoming Chairwoman of the company, she was general director for Strategic Planning and Projects, responsible for the company's strategy, the functional planning of the network and the design of infrastructure and architecture projects. During her 25 years of career at Adif, María Luisa has been involved in most of the preliminary studies and the civil works designs of the Spanish High Speed network. She holds a master’s degree in Civil Engineering (UPM), a degree in Law (UNED) and a master's degree in International Strategic Management (UPM). She is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the Public Works Magazine of the Official College of Civil Engineers and teaches on various university master's degrees and courses (UPM and European University of Madrid).

Miguel Cruz
Miguel Cruz is an Economics Graduate, and has a Ph.D. in Economics from London Business School, as well as a Master’s degree in management and an MBA in Finance from the Portuguese Catholic University.
The current CEO of IP-Infrastructures of Portugal, S.A., Miguel Cruz has previously been Secretary of State for the Treasury, Chairman and CEO of PARPÚBLICA - Public Participations, S.A. (Holding of a large Group of State Owned Enterprises, with Shareholder direct responsibilities), CEO of SAGESECUR – Society for Studies, Development and Participation in Projects, S.A., Board Member of ADP – Waters of Portugal, (Holding) S.A., Executive President of IAPMEI Executive President of IAPMEI – Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness, SME’s and Innovation, Public Institute (P.I.), CEO of ANI – Innovation Agency of Portugal, S.A., among other functions in several companies.
Miguel Cruz has been invited professor at the Portuguese Catholic University and Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, where he is Associated Professor, since completing his Ph.D.. Previously, Miguel Cruz was a teaching assistant at Portuguese Catholic University.
Since 2017, Miguel Cruz is Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure – ODS Alliance Portugal - UN Global Compact Network Portugal.

Hakon Iversen
Hakon Iversen has been the CEO of Banedanmark since April 2020.
Previously, Hakon has been University Director of Copenhagen Business School, Deputy Permanent Secretary and Head of Division of the Danish Ministry of Transport among others, where he was responsible for Danish railway infrastructure and international affairs. Hakon has been Special Advisor at the Danish Prime Minister’s Office.
Hakon is a board member of Copenhagen Business School’s Scholarship Fund.
Hakon Iversen has a master’s degree in political science from the University of Copenhagen and an Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School.

John Voppen
John Voppen started on December 1, 2019 as CEO of ProRail. Previously (since April 2016) he was COO.
After his studies at the University of Twente, John worked for years as a senior manager at Accenture.
He has held various positions within ProRail since 2005. From Manager Control IM to Director of Finance, and from 2011 to 2016 Director of Traffic Control.
In addition to his work, John is a member of the Supervisory Board of Deventer Hospital and in his spare time he trains a basketball team.

Monika Heiming
Executive Director
Monika Heiming has been Executive Director of EIM since October 2011.
She has been active in Brussels as a lobbyist and manager of international associations and groupings for a number of years.
Mrs Heiming, a German citizen, studied languages at the University of Cologne, and holds a Master’s degree in European Management from the University Faculties in Brussels and an Executive MBA from the Belgian Solvay Business School.
Among her previous experiences, she has helped develop the association UNIFE in Brussels from 1993 to 1997. She also managed and marketed the engineering activities of European engineering group Europengineers EEIG from 1999 to 2004, before being made Secretary-General of ERFA in January 2005.
Organisational Structure

EIM is a Brussels-based, international, non-profit association which represents the common interests of European Rail Infrastructure Managers. EIM currently has 12 full and 3 associate members which accounts for 11 European countries.
The members of EIM are dedicated to improve railway infrastructure management and the service they provide to their customers. This is fulfilled by promoting self-improvement through benchmarking and the exchange of best practice. The organisational structure of EIM is designed to provide the best platform for this reason.
President and Vice-Presidents
The association has a President and three Vice-Presidents. The President represents the association externally. He is assisted in his functions by the Vice-Presidents.
General Assembly (GA)
The GA is the highest and final governance authority of the association. The GA is responsible for defining the general policy orientations of the association and decides on all major strategic and financial matters of the association including the annual budget and the Business Plan.
CEOs Club
The CEOs Club is not a governance body of EIM, but provides a forum for the leaders of European Rail Infrastructure Managers to discuss matters of mutual interest, e.g. common challenges of managing their national railway networks. The CEOs Club meets at least twice a year. Discussions include innovation and best practice; developments at national and European level; key performance indicators; and any other business CEOs may find of interest.
Policy and Management Committee (PMC)
The PMC brings together the delegates who represent the interests of EIM members within the association. The PMC represents the mechanism through which member companies exercise day-to-day influence in the activities of EIM.
Working Groups
The core EIM technical coordination between members is hosted via the running of several Working Groups. Member experts meet on a regular basis in order to work on a range of technical subjects including Infrastructure, Energy, ERTMS, Safety, Security, Environment, Asset Management, Operations, etc. They support the work of the association with their expertise from all over Europe. Moreover, most Working Groups contribute speakers to the Agency (former ERA) working bodies and represent the technical opinion of EIM on different Agency workstreams.
Technical Steering Group (TSG)
The TSG coordinates the contribution of the members to all the association’s technical engagements, including agreeing on speakers allocated to ERA working parties, cooperation on technical matters and supporting other work as determined by the technical staff of EIM.