Other Publications

8th December 2022

Position Paper – EIM-CER joint Statement on Transport data – creating a common European mobility data space

CER and EIM welcome the Mobility Data Space initiative to facilitate data sharing in the mobility sector. We recognise that data is an essential driver for […]
7th November 2022

Karima Delli, Présidente de la Commission des Transports et du Tourisme du Parlement Européen, souhaite un bon anniversaire aux EIM

Nous savons tous qu’il est urgent de décarboner l’économie européenne et les transports afin de préserver l’environnement et offrir un monde vivable aux générations futures. Le […]
10th October 2022

Joint letter to the EP negotiating team on the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

We understand that soon you will gather with your counterparts of the Council and European Commission to find a tripartite agreement on the revision of the […]
4th October 2022

Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director of the EU Agency for Railways, wishing EIM a happy 20th birthday!

EIM, the association of European rail infrastructure managers, was established in 2002, following the adoption of the First EU Railway Package. ERA, the EU Agency for […]
26th September 2022

Kristian Schmidt, Director Land Transport of DG MOVE wishing EIM a happy 20th birthday!

So it is 20 years! Sounds like a long time, but in a sector where most things go back a century at least and the assets […]
19th September 2022

Position Paper – EIM-CER joint Statement on EC proposal for a Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (amending Regulation EU 2021/2115 COM (222)

The railway sector welcomes the Commission’s initiative to replace the SUD Directive with a new Regulation and share the Commission’s objectives on reducing the use of […]
21st July 2022

Updated position paper of EIM – 2nd EC query related to the TEN-T recast within the context of Ukraine

IntroductionEIM, the Association of the European Rail Infrastructure Managers[1], highly welcomes the proposal of the European Commission for a revised Regulation for the development of the […]
27th June 2022

Position Paper – Proposal for a Regulation on TEN-T revision

IntroductionEIM, the Association of the European Rail Infrastructure Managers[1], highly welcomes the proposal of the European Commission for a revised Regulation for the development of the […]
10th June 2022

Position Paper – TSI Control Command Signalling (CCS) proposal in the context of the ERA Digital Rail and Green Freight TSI revision package 2022

IntroductionSince the publication of the TSI CCS with Regulation (EU) 2016/919 and amended by Regulations (EU) 2019/776 and (EU) 2020/387, EIM has actively supported ERA and […]