Other Publications

11th February 2021

Celebrating 2021 Year of Rail: let’s discover the SNCF Réseau modernisation programme for a “High performance network”.

Click here to discover it: https://bit.ly/3szc4tT
26th January 2021

Celebrating 2021 Year of Rail: monthly highlight on Bane NOR

From being mechanical and manual, it is becoming high-tech and digital. Bane NOR, the Norwegian Rail Infrastructure Manager, is at the forefront of this development. In […]
14th January 2021

Quieter routes (RINF and NOI TSI) technical opinion published by ERA on 17th December 2020

In its note dated 3rd January 2020 and referenced MOVE.DDG2.C/JC (see Annex 1), the European Commission has requested the European Union Agency for Railways to issue […]
10th November 2020

EU railway sector declaration on traction energy metering and settlement

This Sector Declaration expresses how the railway sector wants to be compliant with European Regulation. It includes timings on fulfilling requirements from Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/8681.
23rd October 2020

EIM-CER-UNIFE-UIP joint letter regarding the Budget deployment to the successor of Shift2Rail

Dear Commissioner Vălean,Dear Commissioner Gabriel, With great attention, the members of our associations have followed the discussions on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the steps […]
7th October 2020

Joint Rail Sector Letter – Sustainable Finance

Dear Mr. Berrigan,Dear Mr. Hololei, The Association of the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE), the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the Association […]
27th August 2020

Short Statement by EIM and CER on MFF 2021-2027

Dear Presidents, It is with great attention that the European Railway Infrastructure Managers (EIM) and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) has followed […]
17th July 2020

Short statement by Monika Heiming, Executive Director of EIM on the importance of open interfaces and standardisation

Within this difficult economic context, EIM believes that standardisation is a key factor to enable the rapid deployment of innovative solutions while ensuring cost savings. European […]
17th July 2020

The sector’s views on Rail Freight Corridors Regulation 913/2010

In light of the European Green Deal and the Commission’s goal to reach climate-neutrality by 2050, European rail freight plays an important role. The Rail Freight […]