Other Publications

29th June 2015

Sustainable Urban Mobility – Main Elements and Recommendations on the basis of the European Parliament draft report

This Position Paper expresses EIM’s stance on the draft report and the amendments to this report. It also aims to highlight the role that rail infrastructure is currently playing in urban mobility policies and its potentiality in the future, notably with regards to freight urban transport. Furthermore, the Paper points out the importance of a multimodal approach for urban transport.
28th November 2014

REVISION OF COTIF – UR CUI (Appendix E) Main aspects

The OTIF – Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail – is reviewing the Convention on International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) and its Appendices, including App E which specifically concerns the contract for use of the Infrastructure
20th October 2014

ETCS On-board Subsystem Reliability Requirement for Operational Safety

The purpose of this document is to propose a quantitative Reliability requirement for the ETCS On-board subsystem for inclusion in the amendment of the TSI CCS and therefore applicable to the trans-European rail system.
12th June 2014

PRIME Declaration of Intent

Declaration of Intent to establish the Platform of European Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe (PRIME)
10th February 2014

EIM Position Paper on Shift2Rail

The European Union´s goal of creating a Single European Railway Area in order to achieve a more competitive and resource-efficient transport system requires investments into research and development. The European Commission proposes to tackle this challenge by the creation of the Shift2Rail Joint Technology Initiative.
27th September 2013

4th Railway Package – Proposal on the safety of the rail system within the EU

The revision of Directive 2004/49/EC (Safety Directive) has introduced a new Article 14a (2008/110/EC), dealing with the certification of the Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM). It assigns a new task to the Agency, drafting a recommendation for the certification scheme, which is supported by the amendment of the Agency Regulation EC 881/2004 (EC 1335/2008).
29th May 2013

Proposal on the interoperability of the rail system within the EU

EIM welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to complete a ‘Single European Railway Area’ by removing the remaining technical, regulatory and economic barriers with the aim to improve the performance and competitiveness of the railway sector.
2nd April 2013

EIM position on the directive of the EP and of the Council on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors

While welcoming the objectives of transparency and efficiency that are driving the revision of the Utilities Directive(2004/17), European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) urge the European institutions to take due consideration of the particular character of railway infrastructure managers.
2nd May 2012

The making of an inter-connected Europe: EIM Position paper on the revised TEN-T and CEF

European rail is once again embracing change. On 19 October 2011 the European Commission (EC) proposed a dual regulation: a review of the Union guidelines for the development of the Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T) and a proposal for a financial framework labelled the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The proposals are dedicated to the establishment of a genuinely inter-connected European transport network linking (by 2030-2050) the key European cities, ports and airports in a multimodal fashion with rail at its core. Not only are the proposals timely, they are strategic: they set out a clear long-term vision and implementation tools for a seamless inter-connection across the entire European continent.