22nd October 2014
On behalf of all rail infrastructure managers, EIM’s President Gunnar Malm warmly welcomes Mr Juncker’s ambitions. “I trust that Mr Juncker will work hard at putting the European single market back on track towards innovation, growth and competitiveness. We all especially welcome his ambition for an innovative and high performing transport system with a special focus also on infrastructure and its funding.”
22nd October 2014
Today, the European Parliament confirmed Mrs Violeta Bulc as the new Commissioner for Transport. The European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) highly welcome her appointment and are looking forward to a very fruitful cooperation.
2nd October 2014
On 16 September 2014, the chairman of EIM’s Technical Steering Group and Director of System Engineering at Network Rail, Professor Andy Doherty FREng, was elected to the position of Fellow by the Royal Academy of Engineering, a UK based organisation which promotes engineering excellence to the benefit of society.
30th September 2014
Today, the ERA Administrative Board elected Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Josef Doppelbauer, former CTO of Bombardier, to become the next Executive Director of the European Railway Agency (ERA) as of 1st January 2015. The European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) highly welcome the appointment and are looking forward to a very fruitful cooperation with Dr. Doppelbauer.
8th July 2014
EIM highly welcomes the newly elected Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN), Michael Cramer (Greens / EFA) and its Vice-Chairmen.
10th June 2014
European rail infrastructure managers discuss how to achieve greater excellence in performance and safety of their service delivery for customers and stakeholders.
4th June 2014
PRIME presented its first results of the working priorities for 2014 defined by major infrastructure managers and the European Commission services earlier this year.
4th June 2014
Today, the General Assembly of European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) elected a new Vice-President, Mr. Antti Vehviläinen, Director-General of Liikennevirasto (Finnish Transport Agency), who takes the seat of Mrs. Marion Gout-van Sinderen, CEO of ProRail (NL).
19th March 2014
EIM welcomes the formal adoption of the regulation by the Council at the Transport Council in June. Some EIM members have already signed up to the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and EIM strongly believes in the great potential that the Shift2Rail initiative holds to develop a competitive European rail sector. Better cooperation on research and innovation in the sector is needed to strengthen the foundation of a future Single European Rail Area.