On behalf of all rail infrastructure managers, EIM’s President Gunnar Malm warmly welcomes Mr Juncker’s ambitions. “I trust that Mr Juncker will work hard at putting the European single market back on track towards innovation, growth and competitiveness. We all especially welcome his ambition for an innovative and high performing transport system with a special focus also on infrastructure and its funding.”
On behalf of all rail infrastructure managers, EIM’s President Gunnar Malm warmly welcomes Mr Juncker’s ambitions. “I trust that Mr Juncker will work hard at putting the European single market back on track towards innovation, growth and competitiveness. We all especially welcome his ambition for an innovative and high performing transport system with a special focus also on infrastructure and its funding.”
Mr Juncker strives to make Europe a world leader in transport to maintain Europe’s competitive edge. This requires putting in place the right framework and regulatory conditions so that society and the economy can benefit from the full potential of its transport system. This will require an even greater degree of cooperation amongst all actors, in particular the infrastructure managers, to make the transport system highly competitive, performing and innovative.
EIM President Gunnar Malm concludes that “innovation, growth and competitiveness are key and we should work in a collaborative way with Mr Juncker and his team to encourage the necessary innovative and forward-looking solutions for a high performing European Transport Market. In this regard, the European Rail Infrastructure Managers are keen to further develop their cooperation with other peers in order to make a valuable contribution to the new European Commission, the European citizen and the European industry.”