On Tuesday 10th November 2015, the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee will vote on its own-initiative report on “Sustainable Urban Mobility’’. EIM welcomes the prospective adoption of the report that aims to make urban mobility – including freight – more sustainable, affordable and safe. EIM highlights the importance of putting in place an urban mobility framework capable of delivering high-quality mobility services to people in their day-to-day lives.
EIM calls on the TRAN Committee to support a sustainable urban mobility model by developing mobility-as-a-service initiatives and strengthening the role of rail in urban freight policies.
On Tuesday 10th November 2015, the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee will vote on its own-initiative report on “Sustainable Urban Mobility’’.
EIM – the Association representing the rail infrastructure managers in Europe – welcomes the prospective adoption of the report that aims to make urban mobility – including freight – more sustainable, affordable and safe. EIM highlights the importance of putting in place an urban mobility framework capable of delivering high-quality mobility services to people in their day-to-day lives.
In view of the upcoming vote, EIM calls on the Members of the TRAN Committee to ensure the development and promotion of mobility-as-a-service (MAAS) initiatives across Europe, combining all forms of urban transport into seamless trip chains, fully exploiting the potential of multimodal synergies and connections in urban areas.
With regard to freight transport, EIM strongly supports the integration of rail into logistics strategies by stressing the crucial role that rail can play in urban freight policies. Member States should invest in rail freight services, bearing in mind the comparative advantages of rail transport over other modes of transport.
Finally, EIM points out that funds available for sustainable modes such as rail should not be reduced or jeopardised through a ring-fencing to urban projects. The possibility to explore alternative sources of financing for urban rail projects, such as Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), should be guaranteed.
Monika Heiming, EIM’s Executive Director, said: – ‘’The vote in the TRAN Committee could be the first step for a positive change towards a more sustainable, innovative and resource-efficient approach to urban mobility. EIM supports those measures aimed at facilitating a seamless mobility chain by means of an integrated multimodal transport system in which rail will play a fundamental role’’ –.