Today, the General Assembly of EIM unanimously elected Antti Vehvilaïnen, CEO of the Finnish Transport Agency, as EIM President for a 1 year mandate. EIM’s General Assembly also elected a new Vice-President, Lena Erixon, Director-General of Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration.
Today, the General Assembly of EIM unanimously elected Antti Vehvilaïnen, CEO of the Finnish Transport Agency, as EIM President for a 1 year mandate. EIM’s General Assembly also elected a new Vice-President, Lena Erixon, Director-General of Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration.
EIM President Antti Vehviläinen thanked all the members of EIM for their confidence and said, “Together with my fellow Board members, I am looking forward to helping EIM make an important contribution towards fulfilling infrastructure managers’ potential. EIM is committed to working in an open and collaborative way with each other and with all customers to deliver excellent levels of service, innovative transport solutions and help build the European railway network of the future.”
EIM’s new Vice-President, Lena Erixon stated, “The transport sector is evolving rapidly and our customers and owners expect more of us. We need to enhance co-operation and benchmarking not only within the rail sector but also across other modes to ensure a sustainable transport system throughout Europe”. In this context, Lena Erixon said “EIM has a vital role to play while continuing to deliver excellent services to its members.”
The General Assembly endorsed the work done and progress made in 2015 and set out an ambitious work plan for 2016 and beyond including cooperation with the relevant EU institutions and other stakeholders in the sector.