Yesterday, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission achieved an important step towards the establishment of the Single European Rail Area by successfully concluding the discussions on the so-called Market Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. EIM congratulates the EU institutions for the work done in the trilogue negotiations.
Yesterday, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission achieved an important step towards the establishment of the Single European Rail Area by successfully concluding the discussions on the so-called Market Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. EIM congratulates the EU institutions for the work done in the trilogue negotiations.
EIM’s Executive Director, Monika Heiming said: “EIM is very pleased to see that the EU institutions successfully managed to approach the Fourth Railway Package as a whole. The Fourth Package as agreed today rightly recognises the role that the infrastructure manager will play in completing the Single European Railway Area and overall in the future European transport system.”
EIM President, Antti Vehviläinen stated: “EIM is looking forward to building on this major reform in an open and co-operative way with each other, Member States and all customers to deliver excellent levels of service, innovative transport solutions and help build the European railway network of the future.”