Today, the General Assembly of EIM unanimously elected Miguel Cruz, CEO of the Portuguese Infrastructure Manager Infraestruturas de Portugal, as Vice-President.
The President of EIM, María Luisa Domínguez González, states: “I warmly congratulate my colleague Miguel Cruz for his election as new member of the Board of EIM.The rail sector is experiencing exciting and challenging times. Many EU initiatives directly address rail infrastructure such as the TEN-T Revision or the Proposal on European Rail Capacity Management. This means that EIM and its members need to be able to keep pace with all these reforms and steer them in a way that they can be implemented by all. In that regard, cooperation is key”.
Miguel Cruz says: “I thank the members of EIM for their confidence and support. I am honoured to have been elected as the Vice-President of EIM. I look forward to working closely with my colleagues at EIM to shape the future of rail infrastructure and contribute to the sustainable development of transportation and mobility across Europe”.
The General Assembly endorsed the work done in 2023 and the ambitious work plan for 2024 and beyond. The CEOs also exchanged on the strategic priorities in the light of the main European initiatives, such as the recast of the TEN-T, European rail capacity and traffic management and the main trends relevant for rail infrastructure managers.