The Register of Infrastructure (RINF) is the main tool for describing the static rail network characteristics and capabilities as required by the Directive (EU) 2016/797 on rail Interoperability, including all the relevant information for the Route Compatibility, the Network Statement and the Route Book. The RINF consists of a centralised database hosted and managed by the EU Agency for Railways (ERA), describing: Operational Points (OP) representing stations, junctions, sidings, etc; Section of Lines (SoL) describing the characteristics of tracks which link Operational Points together. As specified in the Commission Implementing Decision 2014/880/EU, the objective of the RINF in the checking of “Route Compatibility ” is to provide a description of the EU rail network and its capabilities to enable the Railway Undertakings (RU) and/or their suppliers to know all the possible routes across the network. This process is defined in the TSI OPE Appendix D1.
Infrastructure Managers (IMs), who have full knowledge of the characteristics and evolution of their own rail infrastructure, regularly submit the necessary data describing their network infrastructure to the National Register Entity (NRE), i.e. the entity in charge of uploading data to the RINF application. From 2021 onwards, IMs will be in charge of updating the RINF themselves while the NRE remains in charge of the implementation of the register on national level.
EIM represents the IMs as data providers for the RINF and, as such, ensures that all RINF parameters are providing a real added-value;
EIM’s RINF Working Group (RINF WG) shares best practices and participates in the relevant ERA Working Party.