Other Publications

10th February 2022

EIM/CER Position Paper on virtual European Traffic Management

Background EU’s Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy sets ambitious targets on rail transport, both passenger and freight, granting it a prominent role in the transition towards […]
4th October 2021

Rail sector agrees on a common vision on Digital Capacity Management

Europe’s major Infrastructure Managers and Railway Undertakings endorsed a Joint Vision for the Sector on Digital Capacity Management. RailNetEurope, Forum Train Europe, the Rail Freight Forward […]
4th October 2021

Better Rail-Port connectivity a win-win for Europe

The Connecting Europe Express, which is one of the European Year of Rail’s most prominent initiatives, has passed through Rotterdam yesterday and arrives today in Antwerp. […]
7th June 2021

CER-EIM-UNIFE-EUTT Position Paper – Real-time information for high customer services

“Appropriate technical means to ensure access to real-time information shall guarantee the highest possible standard of customer service” In the context of the ongoing 2022 TAP […]
26th April 2021

EIM, UNIFE, UIP, NB-Rail, UIRR vision on International Standardisation

Dear Mr Fitch, We are glad to share with you the Vision Paper on International Standardisation endorsed by the associations EIM, UNIFE, NB-Rail, UIP and UIRR. […]
14th April 2021

Open letter to EU Presidents on the need to extend the European Year of Rail until December 2022

Dear Presidents,Dear Vice President,Dear Commissioner, As enthusiastic promoters of the European Year of Rail, we can but note that the constraining sanitary context is impeding the […]
30th March 2021

Sector Stakeholder Statement on International Rail Passenger Services

The European Rail Sector stakeholders support the work of the International Rail Passenger Platform and the willingness of its members to improve international rail passenger services. […]
18th February 2021

Celebrating 2021 Year of Rail: let’s discover the 3rd video about SNCF Réseau modernisation programme for a “High performance network”.

Click here to discover it: https://bit.ly/3uyCDB9
15th February 2021

Celebrating 2021 Year of Rail: let’s discover the 2nd video about SNCF Réseau modernisation programme for a “High performance network”

Click here to discover it: https://bit.ly/3pPT8Fq