Press Releases

19th December 2019

EIM members call for accelerated standardisation of command, control and signalling technology

At their statutory meetings in Brussels (BE), the members of EIM underlined the importance of a fast-track deployment of ERTMS in the single European railway area.
27th November 2019

EIM Technical Steering Group elects new Chair

Today, the EIM Technical Steering Group (TSG) elected a new Chair, Urszula Maszkiewicz from the Development and Technical Standardisation Department of the Polish rail Infrastructure Manager PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (PLK). Urszula Maszkiewicz will succeed to EIM’s long-term TSG chair, Prof Andy Doherty of Network Rail.
19th November 2019

EIM General Assembly elects new President and Vice-Presidents

EIM General Assembly elects new President and Vice-Presidents
21st October 2019

Bane NOR and the Spanish infrastructure manager Adif are learning from each other

Bane NOR and the Spanish infrastructure manager Adif are learning from each other
13th June 2019

The European rail infrastructure CEOs discuss about the rail sector’s future

Jointly organised by the Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the association of European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM), the annual meetings between the heads of rail infrastructure companies provide a platform for exchanging information and experiences between rail infrastructure companies, with a view to finding common solutions to support rail traffic in Europe.
12th June 2019

EIM General Assembly elects as new Vice-President Gorm Frimannslund (Bane NOR)

Today, the General Assembly of EIM unanimously elected as Vice-President Gorm Frimannslund, CEO of the Norwegian Infrastructure Manager Bane NOR. Pier Eringa, EIM President and CEO of the Dutch Infrastructure Manager ProRail, and his Vice-Presidents Lena Erixon, CEO of the Swedish Infrastructure Manager Trafikverket and Luc Lallemand, CEO of the Belgian Infrastructure Manager Infrabel, welcomed their new fellow board member.
6th June 2019

Sustainable transport infrastructure charging and internalisation of transport externalities

On 6th June, the European Commission presented its proposal for the Connecting Europe Facility Regulation as part of the next Multiannual Financial Framework for the period of 2021-2027. The proposal foresees €12.8 billion for the general CEF Transport envelope, €11.3 billion for the contribution from the Cohesion Fund, and €6.5 billion for the military mobility.
13th December 2018

CER-EIM-UNIFE Joint Press Release – EP votes in favour of greening and digitalising transport

European Parliament votes in favour of greening and digitalising transport CER – the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies, EIM – the Association representing Rail […]
6th December 2018

6th Rail Freight Day in Vienna: making rail freight more attractive through increased harmonisation and the effective use of pilot projects

For the fifth year in a row, the rail freight community gathered in Vienna for the annual Rail Freight Day. This year’s edition was organised by the European Commission (DG MOVE), RailNetEurope (RNE) and the Austrian Presidency of the Council.