In 2015 the European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation (EU)
2015/429 (“the Regulation) that provides the legal framework for noise
differentiated track access charges schemes (NDTACs) across the EU. The
aim of the Regulation is to incentivise retrofitting through reduced
track access charges without jeopardising rail freight competitiveness
and with the overall objective of reducing freight noise and improving
the well-being of EU citizens.
The Regulation applies to those Member States that have introduced such
modifications on infrastructure charges. So far only the Netherlands,
Austria and Germany have applied the schemes from the European Union.
Switzerland has been applying noise bonus with preferential treatment to
silent railway vehicles with respect to the TACs since 2002.
In 2019 the European Commission commenced the Evaluation of the implementation of the NDTACs schemes, namely the progress of the retrofitting of wagons and the impact of the schemes on the overall rail freight sector’s competitiveness.
EIM- European Rail Infrastructure Managers- welcomes the evaluation of the implementation of the Regulation and acknowledges that tackling the issue at source would be the most efficient way forward and could help saving significant resources for the infrastructures while contributing to the modal shift and rail freight competitiveness.