3rd February 2020
The European control-command, signalling and communication system (ERTMS) was launched in the early 1990s as a research project by some engineers and evolved over time to become the main flagship initiative of the EU. The objectives of ERTMS are multiple: increase safety and capacity of the railway system, decrease costs due to easier maintenance and ensure a fully interoperable system by replacing the national legacy systems. Furthermore, the EU and the European industry endeavour to establish ERTMS as a global reference.
18th July 2019
The railway community is since 2015 working on the standardisation of FRMCS. The development of the future radio system is one of the “game changers” identified in the ERTMS Longer Term Perspective document of ERA. The Control Command System Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI CCS) will incorporate FRMCS as the successor of GSM-R as the radio system to be used for train-to-track voice communications and for ETCS data communication, also supporting new railway functionalities such as ATO.
5th April 2019
EIM- European Rail Infrastructure Managers- welcomes the evaluation of the implementation of the Regulation and acknowledges that tackling the issue at source would be the most efficient way forward and could help saving significant resources for the infrastructures while contributing to the modal shift and rail freight competitiveness.
1st April 2019
EIM- European Rail Infrastructure Managers- welcomes the evaluation of the implementation of the Regulation and acknowledges that tackling the issue at source would be the most efficient way forward and could help saving significant resources for the infrastructures while contributing to the modal shift and rail freight competitiveness.
3rd December 2018
On the 25th of April 2018, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a revision of the so-called ‘Public-Service-Information Directive (PSI-Directive)’ on the re-use of public sector information. The European Rail Infrastructure Managers (‘EIM’) are aware of the important role of data in nowadays society and are also willing to contribute towards the goal of creating a ‘digital economy’. Many members of EIM already operate online ‘data-platforms’ which are mostly free of charge and easily accessible, offering a wealth of data and information to rail end users. However, EIM shares some concerns regarding the scope of the Directive and the lack of added value of the Directive (especially vis-à-vis the already existing Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems). EIM also argues that the notion of ‘public works’ should be omitted from the scope of the ‘high value data sets’ because the obligations are not sufficiently clearly defined.
29th November 2018
The EU has been at the forefront of international efforts towards the Paris climate agreement and took legislative steps to implement its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030. On 28th November 2018, the European Commission has published a Communication on the long-term strategy for GHG emissions reduction ahead of the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties, taking place in Katowice in December 2018. Transport emissions are the main obstacle in delivering the EU’s climate objectives. Decarbonisation of the transport sector remains both a challenge and an opportunity for the greenhouse gases reduction policy. Rail is the only mode reducing its emissions and thanks to energy-efficient zero carbon railways there can be more transport activity with lower and lower emissions in Europe.
2nd October 2018
EIM proposes a clear reference to the ‘data relating to train movements within the meaning of Annex II’ that is to be provided on a non-discriminatory basis to railway undertakings and ticket-vendors. EIM believes this achieves the intended purpose of including paragraph 4 of article 9 in the recast, which is to clarify the data to be made available by Infrastructure Managers to Railway Undertakings.
19th July 2018
The GRB published a position paper on the general principles for the route compatibility check (RCC) before the use of authorised vehicles as outlined in Article 23 of the Interoperability Directive (EU) 2016/797
17th July 2018
CER, EIM and UIC support a form of enhanced safety management data capture at European level, underlining that we fully believe exchanging safety related data on European level is beneficial for the European railway sector and its stakeholders. CER, EIM and UIC believe that the exchange of appropriate safety related data brings added value to all parties in the sector.